Georges Starobinski is a musicologist and pianist who, since 2013, has been head of the Hochschule für Musik, Klassik FHNW at the Basel campus of the Musik-Akademie. He obtained a bachelor of Arts from the University of Geneva before graduating from the Geneva and Munich Haute École de musique (piano with Harry Datyner, conducting with Árpád Gérecz and Hermann Michael). He was a repetiteur and conductor at the Basel theatre from 1987-90 before becoming the assistant to Professor Jean-Jacques Eigeldinger at the University of Geneva, where he obtained his doctorate in musicology in 1996. Appointed professor at the University of Lausanne in 2004, he is also responsible for teaching musicology at the École polytechnique fédérale (EPFL-Collège des humanités) and at the Haute École de musique (HEMU).
His publications focus on music from the 19th and 20th centuries, with a particular emphasis on the repertoire of lied and melody, which he also plays in concert. This orientation took shape at the Munich University of Music, where he accompanied Brigitte Fassbaender’s class and Helmut Deutsch’s Lied courses. Since then, his many vocal performance partners include Brigitte Fournier, Irène Friedli, Stephan Genz, Philippe Huttenlocher, Urszula Kryger, Stephan MacLeod, Sophie Marilley, Kammersänger Thomas Moser, Marcus Niedermeyr, Rudolf Rosen, Carine Séchaye, Mona Somm, Bénédicte Tauran and the Basler Madrigalisten.
His special partnership with Baritone Christian Immler has produced, most notably, a recording of Lieder based on the poems of Heine. This recording was published under the BIS Label and has been very favorably received by international critics. Georges Starobinski has also worked with singing pedagogue Eva Krasznai Gombos on many occasions. He currently teaches as part of the Master’s of Art song degree at the FHNW Music University in Basel.
Georges Starobinski is also cultivating a reputation as a chamber musican, having worked with and recieved guidance from Corrado Romano (Geneva), Miles Coverdale and Louis Carus (Dartington, UK), as well as Istvan Krasznai (Weiner Quartet, Budapest).